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Hemorrhoid Natural Remedies


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal cavity. Although it is not a serious problem and actually quite common, it is still discomforting and painful to those suffering from it. Thus, making their daily lives difficult.


There are two types of hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids occur when the veins inside the anal cavity swell while external hemorrhoids occur when the veins swell near the opening of the anus, thus extending outside. People can suffer both at the same time and the remedies and symptoms vary accordingly.


If you suffer from hemorrhoids, here are some natural remedies at that are guaranteed safe to use.


Ice Packs

To minimize the discomfort, apply an ice pack to the affected area. This will help decrease the swelling of the veins and give you relief from pain. When using this method, do not apply the ice pack directly on the area for long periods of time to avoid burning the skin. Use a towel and make sure to have intervals.


Hot Sitz Bath

Another effective way of minimizing discomfort is by soaking your body in a warm bath or having a hot sitz bath for 10-15 minutes, three times a day. The warm water alleviates the pain from hemorrhoids.



One of the most popular hemorrhoid natural remedies is Yogurt. Simply take a cotton ball, dip it in yogurt and apply directly to the affected area. Since yogurt has healthy live microorganisms, these will help kill the hemorrhoidal bacteria.  For more facts and info regarding hemorrhoid, you can go to


High Fiber Diet

Once you get rid of the hemorrhoids, a good way to prevent it is by consuming foods that are high in fiber such as green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains. It is also essential that you drink a lot of water to prevent constipation.



Finally, you should always practice good anal hygiene. It is important to keep the anal area clean and dry at all time. You should wipe using gentle and slow motions since scrubbing the area will lead to irritation.


There are various causes for hemorrhoid such as pregnancy, constipation or diarrhea and obesity. Fortunately, there is no need to be embarrassed since there are numerous ways for you to cure it. There are hemorrhoid treatment pills at, hemorrhoid relief creams and other over the counter medications. However, for the most convenient and safest ways to get rid of hemorrhoids is through natural remedies. Follow the tips above and you will surely be rid of hemorrhoids sooner rather than later.

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